
"Pretty women wonder where my secret lies. I'm not cute or built to suit a fashion model's size. But when I start to tell them, they think I'm telling lies. I say, It's in the reach of my arms, the span of my hips, the stride in my step, the curl of my lips. I'm a woman Phenomenally. Phenomenal woman, that's me." Maya Angelou

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Somebody ALMOST walked off wid all of my STUFF!

As I think back to the movie that premiered recently, "For Colored Girls", I realize that each of those women had some characteristic that I could relate to.  As many of us did.  If, however, you have been blessed beyond reasoning to have never experienced pain, hurt or betrayal, then kudos to you. That is not my testimony.

For me, the realization that I had, in fact, overcome these trials came to surface when I read, and reread Ntozake Shange's poem, "Somebody Almost Walked Off Wid All My Stuff".  (Excerpt -Alfre Woodard) The operative word being ALMOST.  I was that black woman with the attitude not caring what anybody thought about me...or did I?  I was that black woman who was so hard core that I vowed to never give my heart away for fear of being hurt...again...or did I? I was that black woman who was betrayed and bamboozled to the point of no return...or was I?  I could easily still be searching for my "stuff".   My self esteem, my self confidence, my "pretty girl swag".  I realize that I do have all of my stuff.  And it is all safely displayed on my arm like badges of honor.  I have all of my scars, all of my confidence, all of my pride, all of my morals, my chipped nails and flea bitten legs.  It's all mine and no one can ever take that away from me!

But why is it that we have to go through so much to realize our worth?  Or should I say be reminded of our worth.  As little girls, some of us were blessed to have fathers, grandfathers, uncles, mothers, grandmothers or aunts who consistently told us how worthy we were.  How did we lose sight of that?  Why would we let someone, another human being, have that much power over us?  Our journey's in life are all different, but the lessons are basically the same.  God makes no mistakes.  Every little hiccup in your life, every little blip, mishap, misfortune or tragedy has been divinely ordered.  It is how you come through it that justifies the means.  We all know the scripture, God will never give you more than you can bare.  And that holds true for every situation in your life.  But if you lay down and just let life happen and continue to allow stuff to be taken from you, then somebody is going to walk off with it and never return it.

Take your life back, take your joy back, your self confidence, self esteem and peace of mind.  Go out and make life happen instead of waiting for it to happen for you.  It's a new season, and it's a new day and I'm going to another level, won't you join me??
Get your PRETTY GIRL ROCK on...

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