
"Pretty women wonder where my secret lies. I'm not cute or built to suit a fashion model's size. But when I start to tell them, they think I'm telling lies. I say, It's in the reach of my arms, the span of my hips, the stride in my step, the curl of my lips. I'm a woman Phenomenally. Phenomenal woman, that's me." Maya Angelou

Thursday, September 9, 2010

So, maybe...

Yes maybe, I am embracing me for who I am and Whose I am.  Do you know Whose you are?  Sometimes we confuse who we are, what we are and why we are with Whose we are. We are here not by chance, not by luck, and not by circumstance.  We are here for a purpose, with a purpose.  Now, how many of us really know what that purpose is?  No, not for the amount of money you can make, not for the status, not for the big house on the hill or the Benz or the BMW but for one simple fact.  And in doing that, sometimes you have to let go to be WHO you are to know WHY you are to understand WHOSE you are.  God wants nothing more than for us to let go of our earthly being, mimic His likeness and walk in pure, unadulterated happiness.   Understanding Whose you are can be the life altering experience that can never be duplicated.  Learn to see yourself as God sees you. Accept what God says about you and become the spiritual person you are. God's opinion is the one that counts. And once you realize the why, then you know you are forever His.

I started this blog as a follow up to my bucket list, 40 Before 40.  I have successfully marked 6 things off of that list and now on to the next....

It is now 12:47 am Thursday Sept 9 and I cannot sleep because of all of the words floating through my head. The pretty girl theme started tonight when I was looking at pictures on a Facebook page of natural hairstyles.  As most of you know, I am transitioning to my natural state and it has not been a difficult transition, but feeling pretty all the time with "curls" (not naps!! LOL) has proven to be extremely trying. So my husband, being as unedited as he usually is, says, you don't even have any hair, so what styles could you possibly be trying to get?  Needless to say, my feelings were EXTREMELY hurt.  So I ask, would you rather I have long straight hair?  What is it with men and HAIR?????? I don't get it.  So my first thought is, I will just perm my hair back.  Then, my next thought was no, this is not for him or anyone else, this is for me.  Hence, the I know who I am, why I am and WHOSE I am.  So nothing, nothing nothing nothing, can be said to deter me from embracing that and achieving this goal. Not even my husband, whom I love with every little hair follicle on my head!  So I proceeded to clean the kitchen as I do every night after I cook dinner, I made his lunch, as I do every night, I packed my sons snacks, as I do every night, washed two loads of clothes, showered, read my Essence, (which is my secret indulgence) and now I cannot sleep.  He didn't apologize and probably doesn't even know he hurt my feelings in the first place.  So all this to say, hair is just hair, it does not define me as a woman nor a human being.  It enhances the beauty I have had since the day my wonderful mother birthed me. So who am I to want to change that? Everyone has a choice, and that's the beauty of being our own individual selves. So maybe, just maybe, this journey will peel the layers back and reveal a deeper understanding of Whose I am.


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